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Peter Murchland

How to get out of the media "sandtrap"

Media interviews are like golf, if you're good out of the sandtraps, you'll succeed.

Have you ever talked to someone and they just kept on saying "I don't get it, can you say that again?" Kinda annoying right?

When participating in a media interview some reporters may repeatedly say "I don't get it" or "Can you rephrase that" or "Hmmm, really?" Sometimes it's legit and you need to rephrase or adjust your key messages accordingly. Other times, it's a trap - a technique - to throw you off your game. Here's how to use your sand wedge in the media sandtrap:

  1. Stand you ground - You've done your research, rehearsed your messages and now your ready for game-day - be confident in your messages and your methods. If the reporter repeatedly asks "I don't get it" simply rephrase your answer and use one of your many examples or metrics to be clearer. Don't change your messages, simply re-shape them to satisfy the reporters quest for greater understanding.

  2. Reverse the trend - Challenge the reporter by asking them what part of your answer they didn't understand. This way you can focus in on a specific message and achieve greater clarity for the reporter.

  3. Move on - If you've already answered the reporter's questions to the best of your ability, and, the reporter is repeatedly saying they don't get it, simply ask the reporter to move on to the next question. This is a fair request and sends a message back to the reporter that you're 100 per cent confident in your responses.

For more information on how to nail your next media interview, please contact one of our StageCoach experts today!

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